all the single ladies

New York Is the Best City in America for Single Men This New Year’s

New York is the best city in the country for single men this holiday season, according to the Daily Beast, which crunched the numbers. According to the website, the ratio of unmarried male adults to unmarried female adults is most favorable to guys here than anywhere else. So dudes, if you’re headed into town for New Year’s Eve tomorrow, your odds are good! (Even if your goods are odd.) There are, apparently, 149,219 more single ladies in the greater metropolitan area than there are men, which means that as awesome as the numbers are for men, they’re correspondingly bad for women. But wait — that number is misleading. Let’s assume that, say, 2 percent of the 8 million people who live in New York are gay men who are, for the most part, legally barred from getting married and getting cut from that list. That’s about 150,000 men right there. So, in fact, it is twice as bad to be a single woman in New York than it originally appears! That sounds about right. Happy New Year, ladies! The gays will meet you for brunch on Saturday to listen to your horror stories from tomorrow night. They’ll buy the daiquiris.

Best Cities to be Single on New Year’s [Daily Beast]

New York Is the Best City in America for Single Men This New Year’s