This week we highlight 59 reasons to love New York, whether it’s Lloyd Blankfein’s unstoppable smile, Matt Lauer’s secret ninja style, having good luck even when we have terrible luck, or the fact that we like (and sometimes hate) Gwyneth Paltrow just the way she is.
But our far-ranging list is not exhaustive, and we want hear what you love about New York. Leave your answer in the comments below, and check back here throughout the week as we highlight your best answers.
A few of the greatest hits:
WASPyJewess: “That pork slideshow on Grub Street. I mean if that’s not reason enough to love New York, I’m not sure what else is.”
LorieSanDiego: “Running into The Donald in the lobby of Trump Towers!! The guy is seriously tall!” [Ed’s note: Donald, is that you?]
zeitgeistyreport: “60th reason to love NY right now… THE KNICKS ARE BACK!!”
vici_wien: “It’s the only place in the world where you can meet a European stranger on the Brooklyn Bridge, take a helicopter ride around Manhattan, and go dancing in the Rainbow Room (without a reservation) all on the same day. I married the man and moved to Vienna, Austria.”