
Bloomberg Really Making It Seem Like He Was Doing Something Embarrassing Over Blizzard Weekend

Mayor Bloomberg is still refusing to account for his whereabouts during crucial hours after the tsnownami hit New York City on Christmas weekend and got quite a bit testy about it at yesterday’s news conference, WNYC reports:

Reporter: “Why don’t you say when you’re out of town?”

Bloomberg: “There’s no reason to.”

The mayor also said he has a right to a private life.

The mind races! Your suggestions for what Hizzoner was doing that weekend in the comments!

Bloomberg not disclosing his whereabouts [WNYC]

The mind races! Your suggestions for what Hizzoner was doing that weekend in the comments!

Bloomberg not disclosing his whereabouts [WNYC]

Bloomberg Really Making It Seem Like He Was Doing Something Embarrassing Over Blizzard Weekend