It should come as no surprise that Mayor Bloomberg is rather unpopular following last week’s dismal blizzard performance, but just how unpopular is kind of shocking. A poll from Marist College of 600 residents shows the mayor’s approval rating at a pathetic 37 percent — the lowest it’s been since he took office in 2002. Bloomberg fared worst in Brooklyn, where he received a 24 percent approval rating — most likely owing to the subpar snow-removal services offered the borough.
And just in case those numbers weren’t clear enough, 71 percent of people polled said they wholly disapproved of the way the mayor handled the snow. Of course, the requisite shovel puns have followed: “Mayor Bloomberg clearly will need a big shovel if he wants to dig himself out of this political storm,” quipped Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, which ran the poll. [NYP]