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Keith Olbermann’s Fans Want Him in the Senate

A nascent Draft Olbermann movement, organized by members of the Daily Kos community, wants the former MSNBC anchor to run for Joe Lieberman’s Senate seat in 2012. They have a Twitter page and a Facebook page, on which they write, “We’re just a bunch of fans who want to see Keith Olbermann run for Senate- this voice is too important to be silenced.” While we highly doubt “being silenced” was ever an option for Olbermann, it is true that a professional preacher would be hard pressed to find more bully a pulpit than the floor of the Senate. And Connecticut is probably one of the only states liberal enough to accept Olbermann for who he is. One problem: He doesn’t currently live there.

Senator Olbermann? Online Movement Afoot To Draft Ex-MSNBCer For Senate Run [Mediaite]

Keith Olbermann’s Fans Want Him in the Senate