Just days after the January 26 blizzard that sent the city into a tizzy, Republican Councilman Daniel J. Halloran, of Queens, claimed that the city’s sanitation workers were told to intentionally slow down the snow-removal process. Halloran claimed that five city workers — two supervisors and three sanitation workers — had come to his office to report that they had been told to ease up snow-removal efforts in order to embarrass Mayor Michael Bloomberg. But why? “They were told to make the mayor pay,” Mr. Halloran told the New York Post, “for the layoffs, the reductions in rank of the supervisors, shrinking the rolls of the rank and file.” But both supervisors named by Halloran denied his story. And Halloran refuses to give the names of the three sanitation workers he claims can back up his account. Halloran will testify in front of a federal grand jury this week about the matter, but already has changed his story somewhat. Initially he claimed workers were told not to clear some snow and to ignore some routes. He later recanted, saying that workers were subtly told there was “no rush” to clear the snow. [NYT]