In the process of dismissing The Social Network as a masterpiece of cinematography and a “complete work of fiction,” Napster co-founder Sean Parker delves into some gaping inconsistencies between living through Facebook’s founding and the movie that stuffed David Fincher’s and Aaron Sorkin’s hands full of Golden Globes. In addition to revealing that he and Eduardo Saverin are still friends (a little hard to swallow considering Parker’s IMs with Zuckerberg or the fact that the script was based on Saverin’s version of events), Parker gave perhaps the most telling example of the difference between real-life geeks and their celluloid dopplegängers.
I mean I kind of wish my life were that cool. I’m a geek from Silicon Valley and there are no, there are no Victoria’s Secret models in Silicon Valley. Anyone who’s ever been to a club in Silicon Valley should realize there are no Victoria … If you walked through the streets of San Francisco with a Victoria’s Secret model, there would be people [pantomimes crawling] like on their hands and knees at your feet. This doesn’t happen.
Obviously, real-life Sean Parker isn’t a “morally reprehensible human being” (as he describes Justin Timberlake’s character) any more than Mark Zuckerberg built Facebook to get back at a girl. But we have to say, this little rant sounds like the perfect way to neg the ladies of the Valley into trying to prove to Parker that they’re just as hot as any East Coast lingerie model. And he did it all while portraying himself as a humble, affable nerd. Well played, sir.
Sean Parker on His Movie Persona and More [AllThingsD]