the white menace

Snow Trials Begin

City Council today plans to officially grill officials about Tsnownami 2010. Questions, which were submitted to the panel in advance (“So that they don’t show up and say, ‘I’m sorry, we’ll get back to you,” according to Council speaker Christine Quinn — right? Try being prepared this time), include: Why didn’t the city declare a state of emergency, which would have allowed them to tow and ticket parked cars that got in the way of ambulances, etc.? Who knew the snow was coming in advance? And why didn’t they do anything to stop the White Menace? Taking the stand will be Deputy Mayor Stephen Goldsmith, Fire Commissioner Salvatore Cassano, and Office of Emergency Management Commissioner Joe Bruno, among others, although if you ask us, what needs to be up there on the stand is the snow itself. We bet it would totally melt under questioning. Get it? Tee-hee.

Council to Grill Mayor’s Team Over Response to the Blizzard
Council’s snow-probe grilling spree begins [NYP]

Snow Trials Begin