It didn’t seem like things could get stranger than finding the body of a former presidential aide in a Delaware landfill on New Year’s Eve, but it appears they have. A police investigation into the murder of John P. Wheeler, who served in both Bush administrations and the Reagan administration, revealed that the Vietnam War veteran exhibited some troubling behavior in the days leading up to his death. “Wheeler appeared increasingly disheveled and disoriented. In various incidents, he was unable to find his car, was seen not wearing a coat and missing a shoe, and asked a pharmacist for a ride.” In fact, just hours before his body was tossed into a Dumpster, camera footage shows Wheeler appearing confused inside an office building. A law enforcement source leaked to the Philadelphia Inquirer that Wheeler may have been involved in an attempted arson at a neighbor’s home days before he disappeared. Wheeler had been feuding with the neighbor over the size of his home, which was under construction in New Castle’s historic district. Police have yet to find the crime scene, much less finger the neighbor, so it looks like we’re still in the grasping-at-theories part of the episode.
’Confused’ Wheeler seen hours before killing [MSNBC]
Man found in landfill tied to arson attempt [Philadelphia Inquirer]
Related: Former Bush and Reagan Aide Found Murdered in a Delaware Landfill