Apparently President Bush’s second chief of staff, Joshua Bolten, didn’t leave a very big impression on either Mitt Romney or conservative talk-radio host Hugh Hewitt:
Mitt Romney: …. [Y]ou know, the fact that people have left [the Obama White House], I think, is a little surprising, to be frank, so soon. You know, most people expect the management team to hang together for at least three or four years. In the case of President Bush, I think he had his chief of staff for all eight years of his term. I would expect more continuity. But I guess there are new faces in the White House, and that suggests some people are either tired of what they were doing, or don’t agree on the new course.
Hugh Hewitt: Yeah, I think Andrew Card left after about six years, and was replaced by, oh, I can’t remember his name offhand, but coming back to that
MR: Oh, yeah, by Bolton. He was replaced by Josh Bolton. That’s right.
Oh, yes, right. Forget everything I just said.
Mitt Romney on Iowa and the NBC-Politico Debate [Hugh Hewitt]
Oh, yes, right. Forget everything I just said.
Mitt Romney on Iowa and the NBC-Politico Debate [Hugh Hewitt]