The paywall-guarded Sunday Times has reportedly uncovered new details about the “brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating” that CBS News correspondent Lara Logan experienced in Cairo’s Tahrir Square ten days ago. According to sources, “sensitive parts” of Logan’s body were covered in red marks that, it was later determined, were the result of “aggressive pinching.” Furthermore, as the Daily Mail reports:
It has also been revealed that she was stripped, punched and slapped by the crowd, which was labelling [sic] her a spy and chanting ‘Israeli’ and ‘Jew’ as they beat her.
And medical sources have revealed that marks on her body were consistent with being whipped and beaten with the makeshift poles that were used to fly flags during the demonstration.
As for Logan, she’s “getting better daily,” but the “psychological trauma is as bad as, if not worse than, the physical injuries,” a friend says.
Stripped, punched and whipped with flag poles: Full horror of Lara Logan’s attack emerges [Daily Mail UK]
As for Logan, she’s “getting better daily,” but the “psychological trauma is as bad as, if not worse than, the physical injuries,” a friend says.
Stripped, punched and whipped with flag poles: Full horror of Lara Logan’s attack emerges [Daily Mail UK]