The “random bird die-off” trend (which wasn’t even really a trend) is so over, but the ghastly scene in Gramercy Park on Sunday seems to be a much different kind of mystery anyway. Local residents believe the dozens of dead or disoriented baby finches found in the park have something to do not with eccentric weather patterns, but with Aldon James, the “eccentric president” of the adjacent National Arts Club. James, who keeps exotic birds as pets in his mansion and calls himself the “Bird Man of Gramercy Park,” happened to buy 50 finches from a breeder last week. After showing a Daily News reporter thirteen of them on Monday, James “said the rest were upstairs, but would not allow the reporter to see them,” which is totally not suspicious at all.
’Bird Man of Gramercy Park’ in middle of flap as dozens of baby finches found dead or dazed [NYDN]
Related: Gramercy’s Gadfly [NYM]