Failed Nevada Republican Senate candidate and tea-party darling Sharron Angle loves a little creationism. Angle’s been on tour in New Hampshire to promote the new conservative film The Genesis Code — a conservative documentary that advocates teaching creationism in schools. Angle admitted that when she was a public-school teacher, she taught her students both creationism and evolution. “Why can’t we present both theories to our children and let them choose?” she said to a group of conservatives gathered in Nashua for the screening.
But! As much as she’s fighting the good fight on behalf of creationism, Angle did concede that she didn’t make much difference to her Senate race opponent Harry Reid. “Harry Reid has not changed because of the challenge I mounted, and he is the same as he was before,” she said. And while Angle’s not exactly clear on whether she’ll run for president, she’s definitely going to take Reid down — she referred to Reid as “public enemy number one,” and promised, “I have not stopped my pursuit or my original intent to remove him from his office of leadership.” Oof.
Sharron Angle: Harry Reid ‘Public Enemy Number One’ [HuffPo]
Angle: Tea Party movement is here to stay [Union Leader]