As concerns over inflation rise, gold has surged beyond $1,518.32 an ounce, China is diversifying into precious metals, prospectors are once again mining the foothills of the Sierra Nevada for gold nuggets, and kiosks are popping up next to Cinnabons across America to offer the consumer a place to get in on the gold rush. But the rise of gold prices doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be getting the full value of broken jewelry, old coins, and “dental gold.” Tom O’Brien, editor of The Gold Report warns, “The reason for more kiosks is that consumers don’t understand the value they have in their possession.” For now, keep your fillings in your mouth, and let’s see how far this thing goes.
Gold Fever Hits Mall Kiosks [CNBC]
Sierra Nevada: Geologists explore hills for gold [SF Chronicle]
Silver, Gold Rise to Records on Bets China’s Demand Will Climb [Bloomberg]