Two very comely lady entrepreneurs from Iceland have gotten The Startup Kids, their documentary about founders of up-and-coming tech and media start-ups, funded — via Kickstarter, of course. Ninety backers pledged $8,340 (more than the stated goal) a month ahead of their deadline. The documentary focuses on starry-eyed start-up founders from New York and San Francisco: Zach Klein from Boxee, Carter Cleveland from, Caterina Fake, formerly of Hunch and Flickr, and Sam Lessin, the founder Facebook lured in last November. As you can tell from the filmmakers’ website (“We learned quickly that New York is up and coming tech entrepreneurial area with a lot of things going on“), it’s going to be a much more positive take on the promise of social media and the personalities that create it than Aaron Sorkin’s.
Start-Up Kids Have Already Funded Their Own Documentary [Betabeat]
[Official site]