
Dominique Strauss-Kahn Watching His Weight

Dominique Strauss-Kahn is currently dwelling at a 6,800-square-foot, $14 million Tribeca townhouse on Franklin Street, awaiting trial on sexual assault charges. But what’s he doing in there? (Let’s not answer that, actually.) What’s he spending all his time thinking about? Is he filled with remorse? Fear? Other things along those lines? “He appears to be worried about his waistline,” the New York Post reports. Oh. “He’s receiving orders of water, food and patio furniture while stiffing one of the deliverymen.” We may never know exactly what’s going on inside his head, but we do know he’s eating Lean Cuisine, and he’s a bad tipper:

[Strauss-Kahn] took in a six-bag grocery order that included healthy fare like boneless, skinless chicken breast, Lean Cuisine meals and Crystal Light. “They never tip,” said Danny Cotto after dropping off a box from Espresso Coffee.

To be fair, the shark-shaped balloon bouquet would be pretty inappropriate right now.

’Bad-tipper’ Strauss-Kahn has food, patio furniture delivered; turns away balloons [NYP]

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Watching His Weight