Even though the White House pulled the rug out from under her by dropping her in favor of a less controversial candidate to run the nascent Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (which she basically invented), Elizabeth Warren is exiting with grace, sending a classy note to her team today:
Today is my last day at the Bureau. I leave this agency, but not this fight. The issues we deal with — a middle class that has been squeezed and business models built on tricks and traps — are deeply personal to me, and they always will be. I will cheer as you open a new chapter in our ongoing push for a strong and independent CFPB.
You can realize the vision of a 21st century government that holds law-breakers accountable and that enforces basic rules that make markets work honestly. An honest market will give companies that provide fair value to their customers a chance to flourish, free from competition with cheaters. And an honest market will give American families better information, better prices, and better products — and a chance to achieve real economic security. Now it’s up to you.
Great, now I have the song “For Good” from Wicked stuck in my head.
Elizabeth Warren’s Farewell Note: ‘I Leave This Agency, But Not This Fight’ [Huffington Post]
Related: 38 Minutes With Elizabeth Warren [NYM]