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Andrew Cuomo Wants a Bigger Role in 9/11 Ceremony

The governor is reportedly “quietly” pushing the Bloomberg administration to give him more influence over the city’s ten-year memorial. Cuomo supposedly wants to deliver “substantive remarks,” rather than read poetry, as governors have done in previous 9/11 commemorations. Chris Christie also wants more of a say, and has asked that his Port Authority appointee get a speaking part in the class play in the commemoration. (The memorial plaza is a Port Authority property, which is jointly run by New Jersey and New York.) Bloomberg, keeping his white-knuckled fingers on the ship’s steering wheel, told a radio interviewer that all speakers are “going to read something which we preselect.” Is this really the time and place for a turf war, gentlemen?

Cuomo Seeks Changes to 9/11 Event [WSJ]

Andrew Cuomo Wants a Bigger Role in 9/11 Ceremony