The governors of New York and New Jersey have very different styles of relating to the public, illustrated clearly this morning via social media in the wake of Hurricane Irene. On Twitter so far today, Governor Cuomo has tweeted 23 times about power outages, damage inspection, the status of bridges, wind speed, and various other official-sounding Hurricane Irene updates. On the Jersey side, Governor Christie has delivered eight messages, the first of which read, “My media schedule this morning. Be sure to tune in to get the latest info: #irene,” followed by links to his spots on The Today Show, Good Morning America, and a teaser for his appearance on This Week. “New Jerseyans are tough, gritty people,” Christie wrote supportively before another plug: “You can watch my interview on @GMA here.” His team, at least, understands the importance of multimedia domination.
Chris Christie/Andrew Cuomo [Twitter via Robert Harding]