white men with money and spare time

Who’s Behind the Goldman Sachs Elevator Twitter Account?

When one elite elevator door closes, another opens: Shortly after the untimely demise of the @CondeElevator, someone started a similar account, supposedly chronicling elevator chit-chat at the famously secretive bank, under the handle @GSElevatorGossip. Sample tweet: “[NYC] Hermes #1: “Oh, and we were the smartest guys in the room” Hermes #2: “Holla!”.

Unlike the Condé twitterer, the Goldman humorist doesn’t seem worried about the career risk an unmasking might pose: Just a day after the account began publishing, he or she agreed to an anonymous interview with the Times.

Simply put, I am a banker who has some free time now that market volatility and the usual August summer lull has brought capital markets to a virtual halt. I am also someone who has long been cynical of the industry and the people that build their entire sense of self around it.

Is that you, Lloyd?

Meet the Goldman Sachs Employee Behind @GSElevator [Dealbook/NYT]

Is that you, Lloyd?

Meet the Goldman Sachs Employee Behind @GSElevator [Dealbook/NYT]

Who’s Behind the Goldman Sachs Elevator Twitter Account?