Interpol has now issued a red alert — its highest — for on-the-run Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi, along with his son Saif and ex-director of military intelligence Abdullah Senussi. The notice makes the trio among the world’s most wanted fugitives, in addition to signaling an official recognition of Libya’s National Transitional Council as the African nation’s legitimate government. The International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for all three men for crimes against humanity. While many of Qaddafi’s top associates have crossed into Niger, a new audio recording thought to be from the scrambling leader promised a continued fight locally. “We will not leave our ancestral land,” he said, despite the rebel’s imminent plans to set up their government in the capital city of Tripoli.
Interpol adds Gaddafi to most wanted list [Al Jazeera]
Libyan Transitional Council Prepares to Move Its Capital to Tripoli [NYT]