If you read other blogs (we don’t recommend this, by the way), you may have already heard the good news. Daily Intel has had the good fortune to add to its team one of the smartest writers on politics there is. Jonathan Chait, who joins us from the New Republic — where he’s worked since 1995, and blogged prolifically for the past year and a half — will not be forced to post about fugitive zoo animals or subway brawls, although he’s free to do so if the mood strikes him. From his home base of Washington, D.C., Chait will be doing what he does better than most: sharing his sharp, well-informed, and witty observations on politics and policy. We’re calling his column the “National Interest,” a nod to the long-running New York print column of the same name. Chait’s really going to class up the place, and we’re very grateful to have him, so please give him a warm welcome. He starts … right now!