scandal-stained wretches

Britain’s Defense Minister in ‘Best Man’ Scandal

More improprieties from across the pond. Liam Fox, the UK’s Minister of Defense and currently in the Libyan capital of Tripoli for talks, is getting swept up in a scandal brewing back home. The allegations that have surfaced relate to Adam Werritty, the best man at Fox’s 2005 wedding. In its report, the BBC states in no uncertain terms that Werrity has “no official role in government,” yet has been flashing around business cards that say he’s an adviser to the minister, has visited Fox’s office at least 14 times since the new government came to power, and has even accompanied him on official foreign trips. In a further sign that David Cameron’s government is on shaky ground—remember those massive riots—the Prime Minister immediately demanded that by Monday he wants a full report on his desk and a statement by Fox to the House of Commons. Politicians engaging in cronyism, whodathunkit really?

PM demands Liam Fox MoD inquiry answers by Monday [BBC]

Britain’s Defense Minister in ‘Best Man’ Scandal