Five days after he was sodomized, beaten, and shot in the head, former Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi was finally laid to rest at a “secret location” in the Libyan desert, according to the NTC, the transitional government in Libya. And not a moment too soon. Qaddafi’s body has been on display in a meat cooler in Misrata since Thursday, but with all the people shuffling in and out of the cooler to view the body, not much cooling has taken place at all. This has resulted in the following revolting scene, courtesy of Al Arabiya (seriously, don’t read this, just go click on the next post):
Libyans filed past Muammar Qaddafi’s decomposing body for a fourth day on Monday, to see for themselves that the dictator was dead, while talks dragged on among emerging local factions over disposing of the corpse.
Fighters guarding the darkening body and those of Qaddafi’s son Motassim and his former army chief had placed plastic sheeting under them as fluids leaked into the market cold store in Misrata where they had been taken after their capture and killing near Qaddafi’s home town of Sirte on Thursday.
We told you.
But Tuesday morning the time came to put it away forever, if only because, as one NTC official said, “the corpse cannot last any longer.” Qaddafi’s family preferred he be laid to rest near his hometown of Sirte, but the NTC pushed for an undisclosed location in the Libyan desert. A fatwa, or religious ruling, stated that the body should not be buried in a Muslim cemetery. (Islamic law says a body should be buried within a day of death.) Instead, the rotting corpse was placed underground on Tuesday in a “simple” ceremony with Islamic prayers, somewhere “in the open desert,” in the presence of sheikhs, a few relatives, and government officials.
A security guard at the warehouse that kept the body put it best: “Our job is finished.”
This post has been updated with additional information.
Col Gaddafi ‘buried in secret, desert grave at dawn’ [BBC]
Qaddafi still on show, rotting as wrangling goes on [Al Arabiya]
Qaddafi to be buried Tuesday at secret location [CBS News]