ink-stained wretches

They’ve Been Playing Musical Chairs Over at the Times Op-Ed Section

There have been some big columnist shakeups at the Gray Lady lately — Frank Rich left for, ahem, greener pastures, Bob Herbert retired, Joe Nocera, Frank Bruni, and former exec editor Bill Keller joined the Op-Ed page. That also meant a reshuffling of space, especially a jockeying for Herbert’s plum office, which, according to the Atlantic Wire, has covetable views and plenty of light. At least “a couple” of the new columnists lobbied for it, but it went to D.C.-based Maureen Dowd, despite how seldom she’s in the office, says the Atlantic’s sour-grapes-y source. ” She’s only been there one week. And [she] comes to New York maybe once a year.” Meanwhile, poor Keller has a “windowless inside office” looking out onto an unglamorous hallway, adds the mysterious source.

Bill Keller, have you taken to e-mailing bloggers with gossipy tips now that you’ve got all this extra free time? Why not us?!

The Office Politics of the New York Times Op-Ed Page [Atlantic Wire]

They’ve Been Playing Musical Chairs Over at the Times Op-Ed Section