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The Yankees Basically Killed Muammar Qaddafi

It’s not entirely clear just yet how Muammar Qaddafi was killed, but here’s one version of the events, courtesy of the BBC:

A fighter in Sirte has told the BBC his account of the reported capture. Mohammed, a young fighter in his 20s, wearing a blue T-shirt and a New York Yankees baseball cap, said he had found the colonel hiding in a hole in the ground in the city of Sirte. He told the BBC that the former Libyan leader said to him simply: “Don’t shoot”.

Okay, so the Yankees didn’t technically capture Qaddafi. But the guy who found him was wearing something that resembled part of the Yankee uniform, so, close enough. It was a disappointing season for us Yankee fans; just let us pretend we killed a dictator.

Col Gaddafi killed [BBC via Deadspin]

Okay, so the Yankees didn’t technically capture Qaddafi. But the guy who found him was wearing something that resembled part of the Yankee uniform, so, close enough. It was a disappointing season for us Yankee fans; just let us pretend we killed a dictator.

Col Gaddafi killed [BBC via Deadspin]

The Yankees Basically Killed Muammar Qaddafi