The Fox News host, never known to let a slight just slide, is speaking out today against a historical review of his new book, Killing Lincoln, telling Politico that the attack is merely “a concerted effort by people who don’t like me to diminish the book.” An assessment by the National Park Service ruled that the book was too inaccurate to sell at Ford’s Theatre, for instance referring repeatedly to the Oval Office, which was not built until more than 30 years after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. O’Reilly says the 325-page tome has just four errors, claiming two are just typos: “That’s a pretty good record even for nitpickers who want to hurt the book,” he’s scripted to say on his show tonight.
“By the way, there are now more than one million copies of Killing Lincoln in print, and the book continues to sell briskly,” O’Reilly will add, according to Politico, which obtained an early script of tonight’s Factor. And some of those copies will indeed end up at Ford’s Theatre, after all. In true American fashion, the site of Lincoln’s murder actually has two gift shops, and only one is controlled by the National Park Service.
But that doesn’t mean O’Reilly is going to just let this go: “I would love to talk with her,” he’s scheduled to say of the fact-checker. He probably means he wants to tell her to shut up, if we’re being historically accurate.