ivory towers

Cornel West Is Returning to New York

Mark McKay, Ngawang Choephel, Dr Cornell West, Larry Cox, Martin Lewis, Timothy Higdon== THE CINEMA SOCIETY & AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL host a screening of
Cornel West. Photo: JOE SCHILDHORN/PatrickMcMullan.com

He’s taking a big pay cut to leave Princeton and return to teach at Union Theological Seminary, where his career got started in the seventies, and which is often cited as the birthplace of black theology. ” “I don’t have that much time, and I want to be able to do precisely what I’m called to do,” West told the Times. He also noted that he’s excited to be within walking distance of the Apollo, so maybe what he really feels called to do is try his luck at Amateur Hour.

Cornel West Is Returning to New York