Herman Cain has faced the multiplying sexual-harassment accusations against him with equal parts contradiction, denial, and gags. Given the success of his much-buzzed Jimmy Kimmel appearance, the candidate is hoping that his trademark charm will deflect the allegations, Teflon President-style. Case in point, this afternoon.
Today at a campaign event in Kalamazoo, Michigan, the candidate responded to a question about Anita Hill with the off-the-cuff zinger, “Is she going to endorse me?” The gag brought down the house.
Bringing in Ms. Hill, who almost derailed the confirmation of Justice Clarence Thomas two decades ago with sexual-harassment allegations, isn’t a new tactic for Cain supporters. Ann Coulter and others have resurrected the phrase “high-tech lynching,” Thomas’s ultimately successful defense against Anita Hill (one woman), in order to condemn all four of Herman Cain’s accusers.