Governor Cuomo has set his eyes on the revenue from casino gaming for cash-strapped New York State. The New York Daily News reports: “Cuomo has said he will call on the Legislature in 2012 to make the first of two needed approvals of a constitutional amendment to legalize casino gambling, which would then require a referendum, no earlier than 2013, before it becomes law.”
Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver is in favor of the plan along with Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos. Both have promised that they would seek from their chambers the support needed for the constitutional amendment. But Silver has cautioned Cuomo that it’s no guarantee the legislature would go along with it, perhaps not without a clearer plan about the location and number of casinos that the amendment would allow.
For one, Cuomo would welcome a casino in New York City. “[Cuomo] argued that the economic boost from casino gambling far outweighs the increase in crime and compulsive gambling and other social ills that critics say the industry fosters,” the Daily News reports.
Even money that a New York casino comes to fruition.