
Staten Island Teen Suicide Leads to More Facebook Awfulness

Amanda Cummings, 15, tragically killed herself just after Christmas by jumping in front of a bus because of relentless bullying, her family says. Cummings was hospitalized two years ago for a previous suicide attempt, and reportedly cut herself and suffered from anorexia, all of which was fodder, along with her love life, for taunting text messages and Facebook harassment. And yet grief and anger drove Cummings’s mother to Facebook yesterday to lash out at those whom she blames for her daughter’s death. “This is to all you evil son of a bitches that picked on, talked about and threatened my baby,” she wrote on Amanda’s page. “I HOPE YOU DIE and I HOPE YOU SUFFER.” The page has since been taken down, which seems like the best possible outcome, all things considered. Why don’t we all just bow our heads and power down for a few?

Teen Suicide Leads to More Facebook Awfulness