Living in New York City, you can see some pretty insane things on the subway, a phenomenon captured years ago in the classic Seinfeld episode “The Subway,” in which Jerry finds himself sitting across from an obese naked man reading the paper. When we caught up with Seinfeld last night at the book party for Ali “Shmoopy” Wentworth’s memoir Ali in Wonderland and Other Tall Tales, we asked him whether he’s actually had any subway encounters like that in real life.
“On the subway? No,” he told us. “But I had that experience in Central Park. I was walking and I turned, and there was a fella who disrobed and was pleasuring himself. Yeah. So that was in Central Park in the nineties. We’ve cleaned up the park quite a bit since then.”
And how does one react to a fella so publicly demonstrating that he is not the master of his domain? “I screamed at him! I said, ‘Hey! Hey! What are you doing?’ Which, as any man knows, you can pop that soap bubble pretty easily.”