Maine screwed up. In the state’s nonbinding caucuses last week, contested by only Mitt Romney and Ron Paul, Romney was declared the victor by a narrow 39 to 36 margin, which amounted to a difference of only 194 votes.
But now the state party has decided to include results from Washington County, which will vote this Saturday. And oh by the way, results from caucuses in other counties, mainly Waldo County (where?), weren’t counted either. The state party will factor those results into its retabulation.
Granted, Maine’s delegates are nonbinding, but the supposed Romney win at least halted Santorum’s win streak in three other states that did not award binding delegates. But the wins did plenty for Santorum’s momentum.
Romney has been the winner-turned-loser in this script before. He won Iowa by a scant eight votes, only to be declared the runner-up to Santorum a week later.