Romney survived Tuesday this time, but on March 6, Super Tuesday, he may not be so lucky. Or, Romney might obliterate Rick Santorum and render him the guy who forced Mitt to spill a lot of cash on the primary trail, and who continues to have a Google problem.
But first: Washington’s caucus is on Saturday, March 3, where 43 delegates are at stake.
Up for grabs on Super Tuesday (delegates in parentheses, primary unless otherwise indicated): Alaska (27, caucus), Georgia (76), Idaho (32, caucus), Massachusetts (41), North Dakota (28, caucus), Ohio (66), Oklahoma (43), Tennessee (58), Vermont (17), and Virginia (49).
States leaning Romney: Massachusetts, Vermont, Virginia
States leaning Santorum: Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee
States leaning Gingrich: Georgia
States that Gingrich represented in Congress for 20 years: Georgia
Ron Paul: Still campaigning. Projected to earn 30.3 percent of Virginia’s vote.
The prized jewel: Ohio. “Romney is already heavily outspending Santorum in a state that is suddenly in play,” writes Politico’s Maggie Haberman, “and his ‘death by super PAC’ strategy that worked so effectively in Michigan and Florida will likely be on display in Ohio as well.”
Rick Santorum’s Wednesday attire: Slacks and a shirt.
Really, not a sweater vest?: You’re right.
State that’s been pretty much ignored except for the appearance of one of Romney’s sons: Alaska.