There’s a scene in this week’s Friends With Kids in which the characters played by Jennifer Westfeldt and Adam Scott — BFFs who decide to procreate without the hassle of actually dating each other — vow never to move to Brooklyn like the rest of the parents they know. This being a true New York movie, they eventually eat their words and give in to the call of the outer borough and its more spacious and affordable apartments. (How Miranda Hobbes of them!) When we spoke with Ed Burns, who stars in the film as a divorcee from Long Island (where he hails from in real life), at the Cinema Society premiere last night, we asked if he and his wife, Christy Turlington, would ever trade their Tribeca digs for a place in Brooklyn. “No,” Burns said quickly and adamantly. “Nothing against Brooklyn,” Turlington added, practicing a bit more restraint. “We just love New York; we love where we are in New York.” “And for me,” Burns continued, “I’m a bridge and tunnel kid. So the idea — the whole dream — was to get here. I’m not going back over the river, are you crazy?” Did he at least discover a good bar, restaurant — anything — while shooting in Fort Greene? Again, and adamantly, he answered: “No.”