Despite Mitt Romney’s thumping win in Illinois yesterday and his now-entrenched delegate lead, Mitt Romney has yet to wrest back that ‘inevitability’ mantle, which by now must be covered in pizza (Herman Cain) and ego stains (Newt Gingrich), with rosary beads spilling out of the pockets (Rick Santorum), and delightfully scented a la Earl Grey (Michele Bachmann). Hoping to increase pressure on Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich to drop out, and solidify their candidate’s position, Romney aides are hinting (at least to the Times’ Caucus blog) at a lineup of high-profile endorsements over the coming weeks. First up: Jeb Bush. Though the former Florida governor and younger brother to Dubya refused to endorse Romney before the Florida primary, all of a sudden “now is the time for Republicans to unite behind Governor Romney.” So who’s up next? GOP budget master Paul Ryan? Anti-tax preacher Grover Norquist? Republican darling, much-discussed veep possibility, and one-time Mormon Marco Rubio? Only time, and obsessive campaign coverage, will tell.