early and often 2012

Karen Santorum Talks Women’s Rights With Piers Morgan

Republican presidential candidate, former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum holds his wife Karen while speaking to supporters on January 14 in South Carolina.
Photo: Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Looks like Ann Romney isn’t the only GOP First Lady hopeful to talk about women’s issues this week. Karen Santorum appeared on Piers Morgan tonight to discuss contraception, Scott Brown, and her husband’s belly. When Morgan asked Santorum if her husband was anti-women, she smiled broadly and answered “not at all,” explaining that Rick changed diapers at home while she was off promoting her book about children’s manners.

What about Rick’s slightly flabby stomach, which made a splash in Puerto Rico this weekend? “I’m working on it, Piers,” she assured Morgan. “I said, ‘Rick you need to start taking more steps and fewer elevators.’”

Karen Santorum Talks Lady Issues on Piers Morgan