New York City tabloids (and their dedicated followers) rejoiced as Jaynie Mae Baker, a 30-year-old woman living in Williamsburg, has reportedly turned herself in three weeks after being indicted with alleged mother-of-four madam Anna Gristina. Both women are charged with promoting prostitution; Baker previously worked as a recruiter for the matchmaking service VIP Life, and Gristina claims the pair were working on a legitimate online dating business. Gristina also said that Baker just happened to be on vacation when the cops came calling. Back in town, Baker has linked up with big-name attorney Robert Gottlieb, DNA Info reports, while Gristina, who investigators say made millions over fifteen years running an East 78th Street brothel, claims to have no money for a lawyer. Authorities are trying to track down bank accounts, but the alleged madam’s pro bono attorney insists, “She doesn’t have two nickels to rub together.”