Mitt Romney went on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show yesterday to talk about gaffes and make puns. Here’s Mitt in his own words:
On Santorum’s comment that Republicans should vote for Obama over Mitt: “Well, I’m afraid Rick is confusing the nature of this race. This race is not about one person. This is a race about the direction for the country. The country is going in a very seriously wrong direction under President Obama. And I’m afraid that Rick increasingly thinks this race is about him. It’s not about him. It’s not about me. It’s not about a personality. It’s about the country.”
On his recent 43rd anniversary with Ann: “Staying in love with Ann is about as easy as it gets, and obviously highly rewarding.” Ew, Mitt!
On the Etch A Sketch gaffe: “Well, first of all, this wasn’t me speaking. This was Eric. And you know, everybody’s going to make a gaffe now and again. I’ve certainly made my share of them, and I’m sure others will….And I just don’t think that this is going to be a campaign that focuses on small items, toys and things of that nature.”
On Jeb Bush’s surprise endorsement of Marco Rubio for VP: “[Bush] didn’t mention Marco to me in private. But obviously, there are a lot of terrific people who will be on someone’s list for VP. I hope I’m the nominee that gets to make that choice.”
Puns Romney made that he re-referenced, in case anyone missed it the last time: “Well, I joked that desperate polls call for desperate pols.”