All bored, lonely, or otherwise voyeuristic New Yorkers love the Craigslist section for Missed Connections, where social anxiety has potential. This week came a special entry describing a moment between young people not on the L train, but before a job interview. And not just any job interview! “Goldman Sachs building today … ” described the applicant/connection-seeker, a 23-year-old student in New York City. She was kind enough to update Daily Intel on her romantic and professional pursuits today.
But first, the ad in full, via Twitter:
I was entering the building for the interview and you were leaving the building … around 3 30pm … and we looked at each other for a while … I looked back and you also looked back … actually I think you did longer.
I thought you are cute to be a banker … my interviewer was a female so no way to compare the cuteness of employees of the firm but I am pretty sure you are in the top tranche …
I do not think I can find you here, but I might …
the odds says I am being too optimistic, but when one tries to defeat the odds something great happens …
Sweet, right?
The woman, who asked to remain anonymous because she wants the job, said she’s never written a Missed Connection before but was just bored at home afterwards. “Plus, my interview wasn’t so great,” she said, “So I thought maybe I could try my luck here.” The poster has received two responses so far, “but not from the person [she] was looking for.” (One guy wrote her from the New Jersey office.)
She’s not sweating it, though: Asked whether she’d rather get the date or the job, she didn’t hesitate: “At this moment, the job.” She hasn’t heard back about that yet either.