After chowing down on the pizza that they had earlier carried an entire two feet inside a firehouse on Sixth Avenue and Houston Street, Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani emerged on the sidewalk to take questions on the Outrage of the Moment: President Obama’s suggestion that Romney might not have gone after Osama bin Laden in Pakistani territory. But today is not just Osama bin Laden Death Day, it is also May Day, a major day of protest for Occupy Wall Streeters. And so perhaps it was inevitable that, a few minutes into the presser, an occupier began shouting at the top of her lungs, loud enough for everyone to hear, some very unpleasant things about Mitt Romney. Footage of that moment shows Giuliani giddily smiling like a man trying hard to conceal the fiery rage that is boiling inside of him.
As you can see from our partial transcript, this went on for quite a while longer:
“Mitt Romney, you’re a racist! Mitt Romney, you’re a racist! Mitt Romney, you’re a racist! Mitt Romney, you’re a racist! Mitt Romney, you’re a racist! Mitt Romney, you’re a racist! Mitt Romney, you’re a racist! Mitt Romney, you’re a racist! Mitt Romney, you’re a racist! Mitt Romney, you’re a racist! You fucking racist! Stop criminalizing immigrants! [I walk around the parked motorcade to get closer] … Mitt Romney! Mitt Romney! Fucking racist fuck! Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist! … [heckler is briefly distracted by a Romney staffer, who asks her why she is doing this] … Mitt Romney! Giuliani! You racist fucks! Mitt Romney! Giuliani! 9/11 memorial — you don’t give a shit about those people who died! Mitt Romney, New York doesn’t want you here! Mitt Romney, New York does not want you here! Mitt Romney, get the fuck out of our town! [Romney motorcade, sirens blaring, pulls away] Immigrants are working people!
The press conference complete, the press, with nothing better to do, gathered around The Heckler, who identified herself as Nastaran Mohit. An immigration advocate, in case you couldn’t tell, Mohit repeatedly referred to Romney as a criminal. “Why is he a criminal?” I shout-asked her. Mohit began to respond, but was distracted by another question.
“Just to let you know,” Mohit boasted at one point, out of the blue, “Occupy Wall Street has such an advanced method of communication, we found out over our database that this motherfucker was here, and we got down here within 30 seconds. You gotta give that a little bit of credit.”
“What database?” a reporter asked her.
“It’s a very complicated database,” she barely elaborated.
“Is it a chatroom?” I prodded.
“No, it’s not a chatroom,” she insisted.
Is the database bigger than a breadbox? We may never know.