Sometimes, every once in an all-too-rare-while, two lucky human beings get to experience true, great love. The kind of love that doesn’t care about cancer-stricken wives and campaign ethics laws and secret babies. The kind of love for which it’s worth scamming old ladies. The kind of love that must be chronicled on a sex tape. The kind of love that is unswayed by comely jurors. The kind of love that is private, only showing itself in the occasional GQ photo shoot or Oprah appearance. The kind of love that is impervious to persistent rumors of cheating. The kind of love, perhaps, that only two megalomaniacs can find in each other.
But even that kind of love might not be able to withstand today’s harsh publishing climate and the need for authors to really get involved in marketing their books. Rielle Hunter announced on Good Morning America today that she and John Edwards broke up last week after he learned of the many raw, uncensored details she revealed in her book about the affair. Also, she mentioned, said tell-all book about that affair is out today. Amazon or your local bookstore, y’all!