Two-hundred-fifty humans and about 50 well-dressed pooches gathered at a Manhattan charity event for the Humane Society of New York on Thursday to witness the marriage between a Coton de Tuléar named Baby Hope Diamond (the bride), and a one-time stray poodle named Chilly Pasternak. The Daily News reports that some of the dogs wore outfits designed by Anthony Rufio. It’s a real rags-to-riches story for Chilly, who took Baby Hope to be his wife (we think?) under a floral chuppah at the roughly $158,000 ceremony. Guinness was on hand to certify it as the most expensive pet wedding ever. None other than Triumph the Insult Comic Dog officiated, and insulted. “If these two dogs could talk, they would look around this room and what everyone has done for them … And they would say, this is insane! Seriously? We’re DOGS! You people are cuckoo.”