Recently, Chelsea Clinton has been concentrating on earning her Ph.D. in international relations and dabbling in reporting, but according to Politico, in the September issue of Vogue she reveals that at 32 she hasn’t completely ruled out the idea of running for office … in a few decades. Clinton says she’s been asked about her political aspirations since her father was running for governor in Arkansas (Her answer: “No. I am 4.”) and before her mother ran for office she’d ruled out that path for herself. However, she isn’t ready to crush Democrats’ hopes for the Clinton dynasty just yet.
Clinton tells the magazine:
“And now I don’t know. … I mean, I have voted in every election that I have been qualified to vote in since I turned 18. I believe that engaging in the political process is part of being a good person. And I certainly believe that part of helping to build a better world is ensuring that we have political leaders who are committed to that premise. So if there were to be a point where it was something I felt called to do and I didn’t think there was someone who was sufficiently committed to building a healthier, more just, more equitable, more productive world? Then that would be a question I’d have to ask and answer.”
We eagerly await word from the Bush twins on whether they might seek the presidency someday.