As the Republican National Convention approaches, organizers are becoming increasingly concerned about the possibility of attendees embarrassing themselves in Tampa — which, as has been reported, is home to many, many strippers. While boring GOP leaders have been advising lawmakers to stay on the straight and narrow while in Florida, former RNC chairman Michael Steele thinks that might not be the best approach.
Steele, who said he didn’t want to “comment on anybody and their extracurricular activities,” said if convention officials tried to stop strip clubs from doing business, it could lead to even more harmful stories.
“People have an opportunity to make some money, take advantage of all these visitors coming to Tampa for five days or more, and so I don’t blame them for that,” he added.
And that’s from a man who knows a thing or two about the negative consequences combining nightlife and official Republican business. You heard it from Michael Steele, guys: Tampa’s stripper lobby is probably not something to mess with. Better to just give them your money and hope for the best.