Ronald “Ra Diggs” Herron, an aspiring rapper and also the head of the Bloods-affiliated Murderous Mad Dogs gang in Brooklyn, has been at the center of a federal murder and conspiracy investigation since 2010. Though he has court-paid legal representation, Herron’s pals decided to generate some extra cash for him with a $40-a-head fund-raiser at the SRB Brooklyn Club in Gowanus, with performances from some homegrown talent — rappers Papoose, Byrd Gang Shoota, and Uncle Murda — and the “Ladies of Straight Stuntin Magazine.” (Which, according to this NSFW link, is quite the attention-grabbing publication.) However, the club decided to call off the party once they learned more about the beneficiary. “Due to unforeseen circumstances, SRB has had to cancel the event,” a rep told New York Post. “We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.” Good save, management.