
The Obama and Romney Campaigns Share a Fondness for Apple Products and Ice Cream

Republican Presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and his wife Ann Romney scoop ice cream for people during a campaign event at the Milford Ice Cream Social on June 15, 2012 in Milford, New Hampshire. Mr. Romney is starting a five day swing through battle ground states as he battles President Barack Obama for votes.
Republican Presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and his wife Ann Romney scoop ice cream for people during a campaign event at the Milford Ice Cream Social on June 15, 2012 in Milford, New Hampshire. Mr. Romney is starting a five day swing through battle ground states as he battles President Barack Obama for votes. Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images

According to their newly released expense reports, Obama’s people spent $20,000 on Apple products in August, while Romney’s folks spent $50,000 on the silver stuff during the same period. Both campaigns also shelled out for ice cream while traveling through Ohio — these are August expense reports, after all — though Romney more so: While Obama spent $360 at Toft’s Dairy in Sandusky, Romney paid $5,790 to rent out Tom’s Ice Cream Bowl for his ice cream social in Zanesville. And finally, the Romney campaign spent $313 at Chick-fil-A, back when that still meant something

Obama and Romney Campaigns Both Like Apple