It’s that time of the year again: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is in town for the U.N. General Assembly, and his mere presence is wreaking havoc as usual. This time, Iran’s Fars News Agency reports, via the Weekly Standard, “Ahmadinejad is also set to meet American university students, artists, intellectuals and elites, including Occupy Wall Street anti-capitalist protestors, despite the ongoing efforts made by the pro-Zionist lobbies to prevent direct link between American people and the Iranian president.” Not true at all, according to Occupy.
“No. None,” said Occupy Wall Street spokesperson Dana Balicki when asked by Daily Intel if there was any truth to the report. “Personally,” she explained, “I was working with the group CODEPINK several years ago when Ahmadinejad came to [New York] and held a meeting to discuss global issues. I imagine this is the same. We have no idea who is organizing the meeting and how they came up with this story.”
“I’ve been trying to reach someone from Fars to ask them who they are talking about. Anyone going is doing so as an individual,” Balicki said. “There is no organized effort on behalf of OWS to meet with Ahmadinejad. This smells like a propaganda effort to me.” But getting a correction isn’t easy: “In fact, when you e-mail them, it bounces and there are no phone numbers listed. Amazing news agency.”