Many a bong circle has come up with the brilliant idea of tricking Fox News into hosting a loudmouth liberal under false pretenses. That will show ‘em! The reality was far more painful to watch this morning on Fox & Friends, as Gretchen Carlson thought she was interviewing a disgruntled, young ex-Obama voter who planned to pick Mitt Romney this time around. Max Rice, who seems to think he’s funny, begins his appearance by referring to Carlson as “Miss USA” — “Miss America,” she corrects — before he takes a big swig of … water. Rice then admits he lost a bet and stutters his way through what might have been conceived as jokes — funny in theory, smug and awkward in practice. This is why they hate us.
Update: Max Rice, the rather untrustworthy gentleman in the above video, spoke to Daily Intel this afternoon and described the circumstances of his appearance. A friend of a friend, Rice said, who’s involved in the tea-party movement, reached out via text message to a wide variety of acquaintances for volunteers. “This came into my lap,” said Rice, who calls Fox & Friends a “sham,” and so he decided to “just ride with it.”
A Fox producer provided Rice with a general direction for the interview via e-mail: “Main focus, as we discussed, is — you voted for obama based on the promises of hope and change, that he’d fix the economy … but now you can’t find a job, and that promise hasn’t been kept.” But Rice said the network never bothered to verify his information. “I haven’t graduated college,” said Rice, who claims to be a student at Columbia College in Chicago. “I’m 20 years old — I couldn’t vote [in 2008] because I was 16.”
“They blindly casted me like you would cast an actor on a TV show, but took no references,” he said. “They could have Googled me. They were so eager, they didn’t care.” But Rice insisted he told the truth to Fox: He plans to vote for Mitt Romney because he lost a basketball bet, although he fully expects Romney to lose. “I am upset with Obama in some ways,” he said, “but I have faith in his second term.”
And, for the record, his uncomfortable appearance this morning was not aided by substance abuse. “Coffee was the only drug I was on,” said Rice. “I’m definitely pro-weed and pro-alcohol; I just was not drunk. Unfortunately.”