Despite resigning last week as CIA director, David Petraeus has agreed to voluntarily testify in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee regarding the attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens. “He is very willing and interested in talking,” said committee chair Senator Diane Feinstein today, although probably not about the affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell. While the terrorist attack will be the official topic, that doesn’t mean the other uncomfortable line of questioning won’t come up.
“It will be interesting to see what tenor it takes and what the senators and congressmen, assuming he gets before both houses, have to say before talking to him,” military analyst Colonel Jack Jacobs told NBC. “As you know, these hearings have a tendency to be less a question and answer period than it is an opportunity for the members to vent their spleen or talk about what they want to, so that part will be very, very interesting.” It takes an extremely ugly personal life to make questions about a potential intelligence failure sound appealing.